
Saturday, 3 June 2017

Galaxy Defender TV

Galaxy Defender TV is my first independent project. I started this just after I finished most of my university work. It's a pet project which is designed to be a fighter shooting arcade game, similar to R-type. I have created this game in Unity and I created everything from scratch.

I built an Audio manager entirely from scratch which works very well. This manages all the sounds and audio in the game, and so long as there are sound clips in the resources folder, you can just pass the manager a string and it will create that sound at that specific time. It's a really nice system, and it even does fade ins and fade outs.

I also created a generic 'Application Manager' which utilises Unity's scene management tech. I use this manager to use the additive scenes which are now common in Unity, to load in things on top of each other, and load out what I need to get rid of. It needs some work, but it is a nice system so far for what I need.

I made every single enemy produce a simple behaviour pattern and I made each enemy shoot at the player, or not if they were tagged as a shooting enemy and I also designed the levels and bosses for each of the levels too. I wanted these to be huge screen filling enemies in custom with similar bosses and games of the time.

I also created all of the models and all of my own foley for the game as well as UI elements and particle effects.

The game isn't finished yet of course, there are quite a few things that need to go in. Some proper in game UI, a pause menu, a score system, several new models, several new levels, some better menus, scaling for screen resolution and some background music. There is background music in there at the time of writing of course, but it is not my own.

If you wish to download and play the current build, you can find it at the link below.

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